34.90% of 150 People Polled Said They Would Start With The Bedroom. What Space Would You Focus On First?

Overwhelmed by clutter and chaos?
It's time to call
in the pros!

Declutter and Organize Your Home and Life is here to help you get your space back in order. 

We’ll work together to transform your cluttered space into a functional, organized oasis that you can enjoy. 

We specialize in helping busy families get their homes back in order, and we know just how to handle even the most challenging decluttering projects. 

We promise a judgement-free experience that will leave you feeling lighter, more relaxed, and more productive. 

Ready to get started? Contact us at 203-693-1524 today!


“It was a great experience working with Reena. I have always decluttered my closet and after a week or a few days find it back cluttered. With Reena I have a system. It has been about three weeks and my closet floor is still clutter free. I am more aware of what is in my closet. Everyone should get this service to save on time and energy so you can use the extra energy on more important things.” Ruby F. New York, USA
Ruby F.
New York, USA

Service Options:

Done for Your Service (DFY)

in person

A complete decluttering and organizing service in your home over 2 to 10 days to get it all completed.

Done With You Service (DWY)

in person

Physical work session in your home where you and our staff declutter and organize a room of your choice or more. 

Guided Decluttering Services

LIVE • Self-Paced

Step by step instructions you can follow and do yourself (video, audio, text).


After decluttering and organizing a child's bedroom with her mother, we asked the child: How do you feel? The child's response: "I feel happy! Really happy. I really never seen my room this clean before."
Desiree D.
Connecticut, USA

When thinking about decluttering and organizing your home and life, 
Which space or room do you want to focus on first?

Our research with more than 150 people indicate that the bedroom is the first place most people want to focus on first.

What about you? 

Which space or room do you want to focus on first? 

Click here to schedule your complementary Declutter & Organize Home Evaluation (no cost to you)

What My Clients Say ...

A few minutes a day to clean ...

Which Space or Room Do You Want to Focus on First?

Of the 149 people who answered this question,


34.90% said Bedroom
24.80% said Garage, Attic or Storage Area
21.50% said Kitchen
17.40% said Family Room
1.30% said Bathroom


Which space of room do you want to focus on first?

Meet Reena Katarya

Decluttering and Organization Specialist, Educator and Engineer, Reena Katarya has helped many people overcome their decluttering and home organization blocks. Especially those dealing with challenging life events. 

Reena has found that there are 5 main types of unconscious decluttering and home organization blocks impacting most people. 

Knowing YOUR Decluttering and Home Organization Blocker is the first step to increasing your chances of getting your home and life organized and having the feeling of peace and tranquility or energy you’ve always wanted. 


"It's amazing what you can get done just investing a little bit of time on day one. This is just day one. I'm really pleased, and I look forward to following the rest of your instructions and seeing where it gets me."
Julianna D.
Connecticut, USA

Is your home overflowing with stuff because you never throw anything away?

Is it the memories associated with the items in your home? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re not alone, because 75%1 of people sighted one of these three as what’s stopping them from decluttering and organizing their home. 

What’s stopping you? 

Click here to schedule your complementary Declutter & Organize Home Evaluation (no cost to you)

Contact Me

Who has time to declutter and organize their home these days? We’re all so busy with work, family, and social obligations that our homes can quickly become cluttered and unorganized. But a messy home can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your home, it’s time to call in a professional.

At Declutter and Organize Your Home and Life, we can help you transform your home into a tranquil oasis. Together, we’ll go through every room in your house and declutter, organize, and streamline. We’ll work with you to create custom storage solutions that fit your unique needs, and we’ll teach you effective organizing strategies that you can use for the rest of your life.

We’ll start with the areas that are causing you the most stress, and before you know it, your entire home will be clutter-free. Imagine how good it will feel to walk into a clean and organized house at the end of a long day. You deserve to live in a space that brings you peace and happiness, so let us help you create that space today.

Call 203-693-1524 or use the form below to schedule your complementary Declutter & Organize Home Evaluation. 


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